Child Protection means protecting a child or young person from child abuse or neglect.

Abuse or neglect need not have taken place in order for action to be taken to protect a child or young person; action can be taken when there is a likelihood or risk of significant harm from abuse or neglect whether physical, emotional or sexual.

All forms of child abuse and neglect have an adverse impact on a child or young person’s health and wellbeing. The impact can be immediate, or it can build up over time, leaving children and young people with vulnerabilities and challenges throughout their lives.

This is why it is important to try and prevent child abuse and neglect from happening at all and, where it does occur, why it is best to identify it early and respond quickly to help the child or young person. This will minimise harm both immediately and in the longer term.

When there is a concern that a child or young person might be at risk of significant harm from abuse or neglect, a Child Protection Planning Meeting will take place to allow information about needs, risks and protective factors to be discussed by everyone involved, including family members.

What is a Child Protection Planning Meeting?
Who will attend this meeting?
What happens at the meeting?
What is the Child Protection Register?
What happens after the Child Protection Planning Meeting?
Children's Hearings
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